May 23Liked by Rebecca and Claire

I’ve just started on it! For me I’ve been plus size since the moment I hit puberty and I would just like to know what it feels like to be slim (I’m 30 now)😅 it isn’t quite the quick fix I imagined though, you still have to actively make good choices it’s just undeniably easier to. Maybe as the dose increases it gets easier and easier!

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How does it feel then? Has your appetite disappeared? X

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No not disappeared, it’s more that I’m not constantly thinking about my next snack/meal so there’s less willpower required. I can still eat normal meals tho but you gradually increase your dose so it may be that in future my appetite will decrease even more. Very intrigued to see what happens when I increase in a couple of weeks!

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May 23Liked by Rebecca and Claire

I hold my hands up: Would 100% try ozempic even though I don’t meet any of the parameters for a prescription I would pay for it

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That's the thing, it really does feel like a miracle. I suppose the question is....howcome so many of us are just so so up for it? Becks x

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May 23Liked by Rebecca and Claire

Special K is full of sugar!

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I know it is MAD - I lived off the stuff for a good 6 months

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You’re beautiful no matter what you weigh x

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Because we all want a silver bullet

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If I could afford it I probably would try it, which is problematic as I am not overweight. That late 90s super skinny ideal cuts deep!

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Do you get to a point where you maintain your weight without ozempic and then can come off it or is that it for life?

I also wonder if it’ll go down the route of phen phen and the like, wonder drugs that became problematic further down the line? No shade, I just feel like we’ve been here before, but then again this might actually be the wonder drug that everyone’s been hoping for?!?

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Well done for the podcast, really fun and really thoughtful at the same time.

I'm glad you didn't share all of our exchange about foufounettes. Ta mère x

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Ahhhh this is amazing, thanks so much!!

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