The Trowel


+ Who Wants It? winners

Rebecca: Last week I tried to get my feelings down about diabetes medication weight loss wonder drug Ozempic. I knew I could develop a perspective from which to write a few words, but the truth is this Substacker was so preoccupied with whether or not she could, she didn’t stop to think if she should. My feelings about Ozempic yo-yo almost as much as my weight has over the years. To harness an opinion for the sake of it seemed disingenuous.

Sometimes you realise what you’re writing isn’t an article, it’s a conversation. So I roped Claire in to have a chat about it, to see what she thought, and we recorded it. Nothing fancy, nothing studio-y. Just the two of us having a coffee and a catch up at hers.

We want to hear from you as well.

  • Should the Kardashians confess?

  • Do you remember your diet culture gateway drug? (mine was Special K)

  • Is body positivity our hope for the future, or has it been killed by commodification?

  • ….wouldya do Ozempic though?

But perhaps most pressingly

  • Who would your Snatch Game character be?

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Who Wants It? winners

Thanks so much for everyone who commented on the post last week - your comments and likes get The Trowel shared to more people that wouldn’t otherwise know about it, and we really appreciate the support.

SO to business - the Merit Beauty Dabber (not official product name) goes to

, and the Sea Magick to ! Congrats ladies.

And for everyone else, there’s plenty more where that came from in due course


The Trowel
reviews, recommendations, guides
Rebecca and Claire